Classes are the same times as always and everyone coming to the gym on Saturday the 6th will be doing the same WOD even if you don't plan to participate in the Throwdown.
Anyone wanting to participate in the Throwdown will need to grab one of the entry pages and fill out the top (available that day) and after the workout one of the coaches will check either the COMPLETE or the COMPETE box. This is based solely on your ability to do the workout unmodified to compete or with some modifications you will be placed in the complete category. Your finish time is irrelevant.
The "moves' that are included in the WOD for that day are listed on the white board.
IF you will be unable to do the WOD on Saturday and still want to COMPETE at the Throwdown, see Sheryl to discuss a time to do the tryout WOD or demonstrate your ability to perform the required movements.
The requirements to participate:
- Must be a Fit Pit member
- Must have completed the tryout WOD or demonstrated ability to perform movments.
- New members, outside of 90 days from the event, will automatically be put in the COMPLETE category
- This year I am asking for $20 from each participant--regardless of
category-- to help cover the cost of food for the competitors and
- You must be able to participate in all three days of competition. Friday's WODs will be during regular class but attendance to both Saturday and Sunday is required to be eligible for any prizes.
- Your registration fee and paperwork is required by Saturday, April 20.
its going to be epic. i can't wait to bust out a few "NO REPS!". mwahahahaha... ;)