Tuesday, April 2, 2013


Among the jillions of things I learned this past week at PaleoFX13.
Dr. Terry Wahls shared something pretty cool about fruits and vegetables.
When trying to figure out which fruits and veggies have the most nutrient value, look at their color. If the color goes all the way through, its nutrient density it very high. If the color is only on the outside and it's pale or white on the inside the nutrient value is lower.

Greens, carrots, peppers, broccoli, yams, oranges, peaches, strawberries and other berries have color that is consistent from outside to inside.  HIGH nutrient score!

Apples, pears, zucchini, cucumber, and celery are pale or white on the inside, so their value is a bit lower.

This doesn't mean you should avoid the lower nutrient items, they are still very good for you--but be sure to mix in some of the nutrient rich items when planning your meals.

Some examples:
One large baby carrot has over 40% of your daily allowance of Vitamin A.
A medium sized apple has only 1% of your daily allowance of Vitamin A.

The same apple has 14% of your daily requirement for Vitamin C
while the same sized orange boasts 139%!!!
And a yellow or orange pepper that is the same size carries... are you ready?

Just a few things to keep in mind while shopping in the produce aisle!

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