Thursday, May 22, 2014

FIT PIT THROWDOWN: Countdown has started!

Known for surprises and unexpected twists,
the THROWDOWN is always
as challenging as it is fun. 

This year is no different as we will take Day 2 events off-site – The Shawnee Mission West track!!
[Located at 85th & Antioch - on the Northwest corner. The track is on the north side of the property.]

If you're new to the Fit Pit or checking us out for the first time, here's a little background on the THROWDOWN... it is OUR event. For Fit Pit members only. The goal of this particular event is to provide a testing ground for ALL of our members – regardless of skill level. We have two categories: COMPETE and COMPLETE. Both categories will do the same WODs; the "Compete" athletes must do everything without modification and those in the "Complete" category are allowed to modify whatever is necessary to participate. Prizes are awarded in the "Compete" category only and those completing the workouts come away with a bag a swag, a whoppin' sense of accomplishment and buckets of motivation to keep working hard.

There is still time to get signed up (till May 28th)
So far, we've got more participants than any other year! 
Here are some details to get you in THROWDOWN mode ––
it's only 3 weeks away!

2 WODs to be done during class time. Sheryl and Mika will be at the 5:30 a.m. class to officiate; Sheryl and Joel will manage the lunch class from 10:30 to 1:00. The evening class will be officiated by Brett, Brian, Sheryl and Joel. When you show up for your class you will be weighed, as we will need your bodyweight for workouts over the weekend.

Everyone will meet at the Shawnee Mission West track. Athletes should arrive no later than 7:30. The first heat will start at 8:00 a.m.– sharp.  You won't need to bring anything special, running shoes (duh!) and maybe a long sleeve t-shirt as you will be competing with the Atlas Stones that day.  There are 2 WODs and once you've finished, you may certainly leave, but if you have time it's fun to stay and encourage your fellow Fit Pit members!  We have to be off premises by noon.  There will be bathrooms open.  And we encourage you to invite friends and family to cheer you on!

Everyone meets back at the gym for the last day of competition and again we will start the first heat at 8:00 a.m. – sharp.  Again, there are 2 WODs and once everyone is finished the scores will be tallied and we will take the top four guys and top four gals and watch them face-off in a final workout. Traditionally, this is where we ratchet it up a bit, but why not!? They are the TOP FOUR!... and it's always fun to watch and cheer them on!

Come back at 6:30 pm for BBQ, beer and an awards ceremony!

Folding chair or large towel to set on, sunscreen, and you may want to pack up some nutrition/snacks.

If you have any questions, please email me:

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

The Art of the Compliment

We've all done it.
Someone offers a compliment and the first thing we do is find a way to deflect it.

"Hey, that is a great hoodie!"
"This thing! Oh, it's ancient and has a hole in it."


"Wow, you did such a great job on that workout!"
"Ugh. I tripped up on my jump rope and didn't use enough weight. I suck."

Why do we do this? Maybe we want to sound humble or... perhaps we don't feel like we deserve a compliment. WHY are we so hard on ourselves?

Last night, I had the pleasure of attending Jennipher Walter's book signing at the Athleta Store on the Plaza. Her book, "The Fit Bottomed Girls ANTI-DIET" is a fun read and packed with "10 Minute Quick Fixes" and loads of thought provoking, health-minded ideas which make change seem possible! Jennipher discussed accepting a compliment with a smile and gratitude – no deflecting! Consider responding with a compliment of your own and to ensure it's receive as sincere and genuine – offer some details. For example:

"Nice hoodie"


"Nice hoodie, that looks so comfy and I love the cool Fit Pit logo on the back!"
"Thanks, it is super comfy! I can tell you like a good workout, maybe you could join me this weekend and tryout the Fit Pit! [shameless plug, I know]

Give it a try. Compliment a friend, co-worker or gym buddy, watch how much they light up and know that you may have made their day. And next time someone lobs a compliment your way, flash a big smile, make eye contact and with sincerity say, "Thanks!"