We are only THREE days away from what I consider the BEST weekend of the year at Fit Pit. It is THROWDOWN time! For me, there is nothing better that watching our members cheer, scream and literally will each other to accomplish some big stuff!
The last week or so everyone has worked hard to NAIL the double under, the ring pull up, dip, rope climb, or whatever they find to be a challenge. Other members have jumped in and offered tips to help fellow Fit Pit-ers ––– and that's pretty cool. At the Fit Pit, competition is not mean. Competition at the Fit Pit is healthy and something that drives each of us to improve. Again, that's cool, because some people let competition ugly -- and that is not cool. This weekend, remember to high five and offer shout outs to those sweating and questioning their fortitude--- SO many times all we need to hear, "YOU GOT THIS! GET IT!!" and we suddenly find a little reservoir of energy to push through.
I told someone last night that I'm likely to tear up at least three times this weekend (could be more). Joel and I don't have kids of our own, so in a weird way, our members are like our kids and I really do feel like a proud mom most of the time... but especially at THROWDOWN.
If you or your family member and friends are attending the THROWDOWN, have them snap some rockin' pics and share them at #fitpitthrowdown or #fitpitstrong. We have a cool thing going on and others should know how amazing our members are.
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