Last night, while celebrating a member's recent job change and relocation, another member shared her wish of an updated blog... it was something she enjoyed. Initially, my response was to list all the reasons why our blog didn't even make my 'to do' list each day; life outside the gym had changed made blogging (and a host of other things) more challenging and when facing each day I'd grown to accept that something wasn't going to get done — it seems as though blogging and cleaning my office were the first to go.
However, driving home from the celebration, I pondered, while my reasons were valid, in truth, they were also excuses. Recently, I'd found time to watch the Royals, weed my garden, groom the dogs and try a couple new recipes– all things I enjoy and provide a level of relaxation. No reason a bit of blog time couldn't be added to the list. Among my favorite t-shirts is one that says, "Make Changes Not Excuses" So here I am.
Time Goes By. FAST!
Logging in this morning to get back on track... it was noted my last blog post was... a year ago!? Where did the last year go?! Good grief. Another lesson that time will not wait and if you have something you want (or need) to do, it is best to get after it -- NOW. Waiting for the weather to change, school to get out, blah blah blah... there is always a reason to put something off.
IF it's important, you'll find a way.
If it's not, you'll find an excuse.
Time to evaluate what is important!
Big thanks to Judy for reminding me to blog. Likely this won't be a daily thing as I just don't have 365 important things to say... but, it will damn well happen more than once a year!
Be well and soak up some sunshine!